The WIPERS Official web site. The music of “The Wipers” and Greg Sage. Shop for CD’s and Vinyl. News on the latest recordings and their records and CD’s available here on Zenorecords.

The Wipers formed in late 1978.
Greg Sage said that the idea for the name came from when he worked at a movie theater that had a long hallway of glass
that looked over the city of Portland, Oregon.
One of his jobs was to clean the glass that would get cloudy from people waiting to enter the theaters.
When wiping the glass with a large squeegee, the view of the city would become crystal clear.
A “crystal clear view” was the idea he wanted to put into music.
The Wipers and Greg Sage went on to record 12 albums and several EP’s.
Greg’s original idea was to never tour or do interviews, to be mysterious and let listeners have their own ideas.
This original idea was not as possible as he hoped, due to the demands of working in the music industry.
Even though staying independent throughout his career there were certain rules in the music world he could not bend.
Greg would go on to build some of the equipment used to record the albums creating their distinct sound.